The ethics with Covid

Although this may be a touchy topic, I felt the need to bring it to life since I have had many people surrounding me experience it.
Let me paint you a picture. Your grandfather is in a retirement home where currently he is sick but stable. The encapsulating COVID19 strikes and retirement homes have no longer allowed visitors due to the risk. However, you so happen to work at this same retirement home so you get to see him every day that you are there. You get to peek into his room on your breaks and play games and eat lunch together. Time passes slowly, what feels like ages. Until suddenly, gramps falls extremely sick during this time with no one but you by his side. You think to yourself, is this a blessing that I am even able to be here? Or a curse that not even his own daughter could be here to comfort him and get a last hug goodbye.
This is not my story, but it is that of a close friend.
I think that this virus has struck people in vicious ways, and some more than others. I think that the way each person sees the outcome of this virus is so different but the health system surrounding us all has also changed drastically.
